Online Security Training – Guard Card & Refresher Training  Course (8 Hours)
This is the initial online security training course including powers to arrest, terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction course mandated by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services to qualify to begin working in the security industry. Our online security training exceeds the state mandated training syllabus to include additional modules we believe are necessary in the field. Modules include: introduction to the security industry, injury/illness/heat prevention training, sexual harassment training, workplace violence, powers of arrest, basic identification verification, basic pat down searches, basic restraining techniques, basic emergency management, terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction. The additional 32 hours of online security training required to be in compliance with the Business and Professions Code is offered online either independently or within the 40 hour course.
So you can get hired ASAP!
So you can continue working!
Online Security Training Guard Course (40 Hours)
This comprehensive online security guard card certification fulfills the Bureau of Investigative Services requirement for guards within six months of hire. Modules include: introduction to the security industry, injury/illness/heat prevention training, sexual harassment training, powers of arrest, self-defense for security professionals, advanced restraining techniques, report writing, communication, advanced identification verification, advanced pat down searches, utilizing equipment, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, and emergency management. Beyond the initial 8 hour online security training, the additional 32 hours of training required to be in compliance with the Business and Professions Code is offered online either independently or within the 40 hour course.

Online Security Training Guard Course (40 Hours), this comprehensive online security guard certification course meets the Ministry of Community Safety Services  requirement for guards.